Animal Welfare
We are committed to the responsible use of animals and work according to high animal welfare standards.
Compliance with relevant laws and regulations is a minimum baseline and underpins our animal care standards. National regulation nr. 460/2017 about protection of animals used for scientific purpose is according to the national law on animal welfare nr.55/2013. The Icelandic regulation on animal experiments is based on directive 2010/63/EU.

Qualified Personnel
This includes ensuring that qualified staff is involved in the development and implementation of all animal care programs and that everyone working with laboratory animals is trained and competent in their allocated responsibilities.
ArcticLAS believes that training goes far beyond reading standard operating procedures. Employees need to learn and demonstrate competency in specific skills and understand why their skills add value to the animal research. We highlight the understanding of why each skill is important and it’s implications in the animal care program and research process.
This includes the entire team, from the director of the facility, to the wash room staff. The protocol, guarding animal welfare are written in stone and strictly enforced. The success of our company depends on your trust in us.